Mablethorpe Beach Huts

As you may have heard, we've been working on a very exciting project! We have now finished the job for East Lindsey District Council refurbishing the beach chalets at Mablethorpe. We think you will agree, they look so much better now. It's been a great job to work on and well done to the MM Electrical team for working so hard over the last few weeks.

dimmer switch

This blog is for those of us who don’t really want to rig the house up with a load of smart (automated) lighting, not only is it expensive but it can be tricky to install if you are doing it yourself. This is about a great alternative that will help save money, increase the life of your bulbs and bring a little ambiance into your life with the simple dim of a switch!


We all trot off to work and go about our business at work everyday but have you stopped to take just a moment to think about how much electricity you might me using? It’s not just your employers responsibility to manage energy efficiency in the workplace, wouldn’t you feel a bit better if you knew you were having an impact on the energy that your company and it’s people, are using too?

You need to be a responsible landlord and providing your tenants with a Landlord Electrical Safety Certificate is part of that. It covers you and your tenant’s backs if any electrical issues were to occur.

Fairy Lights

We’ve recently become aware of a movement, a way of life, a journey to happiness… sounds dramatic but when you read more about it, it kinda makes sense!


Before we try to answer some of the more commonly asked questions, we’d just like to clarify that we don’t recommend that anyone undertakes their own electrical work unless they are a qualified and registered. However, there are a few bits and pieces you can check if you are having any of the problems listed below. If you are in any doubt whatsoever, just call an electrician!